Karyn Chapman in new office

Tax Office Makeover – one year later

How did the makeover help our winner?

How has this helped Guardian Tax?

The filming of our first Tax Office Makeover was completed nearly a year ago, just prior to the start of the tax season. So how did the changes impact our winner? We asked winner Karyn Chapman to share the impact the office had on Guardian Tax.

Increased revenue

Let's start with what everyone wants to know. Did a new brand identity, remodeled office, and redesigned website + social media actually produce more revenue? The numbers speak for themselves.

Smiling winner

Guardian Tax Service CEO and President Karyn Chapman

“Since the makeover, my business has seen amazing growth and new opportunities.”


Growth in new

clients from referrals


Increase in

gross sales


Growth in

website activity

Improved reputation

With time and resources invested in organic social media content (not paid social media advertising), Guardian Tax has managed to continue building their online reputation - all without spending money on paid social media advertising.

“Most of my new walk-in customers said they choose us because of the comments and ratings online from them searching for a tax preparer.”

More likes

More reviews

More awareness

More views

Customer experience

Guardian Tax spent years building a trusted brand, but the office appearance didn't accurately represent the brand. The makeover created a customer experience that effectively communicates the professionalism Guardian Tax desired with an attractive and comfortable office environment.

The client response has been overwhelming with taxpayers taking photos and posting it on their own social media pages, helping to expand awareness of Guardian Tax.

“Customers take us more serious and no longer look at us as a mom and pop office.”

Karyn Chapman in new office

Employee morale and productivity

The office makeover has also served to improve employee morale with a refreshed work environment. An unexpected benefit has been an increase in the number of tax preparers applying to work at Guardian Tax, as Karyn's team has built a reputation for a great place to work.

“The morale and productivity of my office staff has increased; they are excited to come to work, proud to be a part of Guardian Tax Service, and happy to be working in the office.”

Guardian Tax
Guardian Tax
Guardian Tax
See the surprises

Things don't always go as planned. See a few of the surprises we encountered during the makeover.

Tax Office Makeover Series Teaser

Things don't always go as planned. See a few of the surprises we encountered during the makeover.