Get paid with Auto Collect
After the launch of Auto Collect, tax professionals have discovered just how much they have to lose when their Refund Transfer provider doesn't have an Auto Collect program.
The only drawback to pay-by-refund
There is nothing more frustrating as a tax professional than processing a tax return with a bank product and that return goes unfunded. You receive no tax preparation fees and most likely that client does not come back next year due to still owing prep fees from last season.
What do you do? Does anyone have a way to collect preparation fees on unfunded returns?
Do me a favor. If you process tax returns with bank products then your processing bank provides you with a report of your unfunded clients. Run that report and count how many returns were unfunded this year. Now add up your total tax preparation fees you missed out on from those returns. What is the dollar amount of unfunded prep fees missed this season?

What if there was a solution?
What if I said there is a company that has been in the tax industry for 30 years that will collect your normally missed prep fees on your unfunded returns automatically for you and deposit what is collected into your bank account.1 This company is also integrated with all of the major tax software company’s in the tax industry.
What if I also said this company, and the program they offer, collected unfunded tax preparation fees for thousands of tax professionals? Here's how one client saved time and reduced losses with Auto Collect.
How did Auto Collect help iTax Solutions?

I was a little skeptical at about enrolling in the program at first...In the past, my office has prepared tax returns and we were unable to collect tax preparation fees for clients. We attempted to call them multiple times with NO LUCK recovering the tax preparation fees.
Prior to enrolling with Santa Barbara Tax Products Group (sbtpg) I was with another bank and asked if they assisted with collecting on unpaid tax preparation fees, they didn’t so it became normal to me to take a loss of $4,000 to $12,000 annually.
“...it became normal to me to take a loss of $4,000 to $12,000 annually.”

NOT THIS YEAR! The Auto Collect program allowed me to collect on almost $10,000 in tax preparation fees I normally would have taken a loss on for my business.
“The TPG Auto Collect program allowed me to collect almost $10,000 in tax preparation fees...”
I recommend all EROs to trust the process and enroll in Auto Collect. Thank you sbtpg.
Ambrea' Lacy
President and Founder iTax Solutions
Nothing to lose except fees
Would you believe me if I said there is $0 upfront cost for this program? The only time there is a charge is if your prep fees are collected. You receive 75% of any amount collected and TPG receives 25% for the collection efforts.2
I think it’s safe to assume you would be happy with 75% of your prep fees when you normally would receive 0% on these unfunded returns.
No one has ever been able to assist in this problem area of our industry before now. This means you put more money in your pocket at the end of the year.
This is a game changer for your tax business and the tax industry! Learn more about Auto Collect.
1 AutoCollect is an optional service provided by Santa Barbara Tax Products Group, LLC. Fees apply to the ERO only with respect to successful collections. Santa Barbara Tax Products Group is facilitating collections that are being made directly through EROs.
2 Other than any amounts collected on behalf of software transmitters or other 3rd parties.