Earn an easy $250

Earn up to $250 for every tax pro you refer to sbtpg
Have a friend or colleague that's not happy with their current Refund Transfer provider? Maybe someone you know that used River City Bank for tax-related products and now needs to find a new bank? Santa Barbara Tax Products Group (sbtpg) is offering up to $250 for every ERO referral that switches to sbtpg.*
No cap on what you can earn
No limit on the number of referrals you can submit means there's no limit on what you can earn.
Earn $100 or $250
Earn $250 when your referral processes 100+ Refund Transfers or $100 when your referral processes 50+ Refund Transfers.*
Tell a friend
Have a friend that lost their bank or needs to make the upgrade to sbtpg? Use our referral form to make sure you get paid.
* Application for referral bonus must be received by February 1, 2021. Applicant must be active client of Santa Barbara Tax Products Group (sbtpg) during 2021 calendar year. Referred client must be active during 2021 calendar, enrolled in our Standard Refund Transfer program with 100+ funded Refund Transfers to qualify for $250 referrer incentive or 50+ funded Refund Transfers to qualify for $100 referrer incentive. Referred client cannot be existing sbtpg client that used sbtpg during 2020 calendar year. 2021 Refund Transfer volume calculated on May 1, 2021. Referral bonus issued June 1, 2021. If applicant submits multiple referrals, all referrals will be paid in a single payment.